
Several years ago, the current directors of our organization decided to create Asian American Senior Assoc of Pennsylvania to give everyone who is interested, the opportunity to help those in need. Helping the community grew to become a permanent part of the lives of our members.
The Association’s history can be dated back to:
1. Changan Avenue Times March 24, 2006 Chinese Voice Philadelphia news
On March 22, 2006, leaders of seven overseas Fujian associations in Philadelphia met in Chinatown to discuss matters relating to the joint effort in developing senior buildings and senior activities center。
据北美《世界日报》报道,这次会议的发起人之一、大费城福建同乡会名誉主席刘心生(Simon X.S. Liu)在会上被推荐为侨团老人项目联席会议的联络人。他表示,要集中各侨社的力量,争取政府资源,为老人谋福利。
According to the report of the “World Journal”, “Simon X.S. Liu”, the honorary Chairman of Fujian Association of The Greater Philadelphia Area as well as one of the callers of this meeting, was recommended as the contact for the joint committee on matters related to seniors of the overseas Chinese community. Liu expressed the need to gather the power of all overseas Chinese organizations to fight for government resources and the well-being of the seniors。
费城长乐公会会长刘德棋、美东福建商会执行主席、宾州福建友好贸易促进会执行总裁林建和、大费城华人餐馆协会会长刘用庭、亚裔联合会(AAU)执行主席Ellen Somekawa、大费城福建同乡会会长林应章等参与联席会议的工作,他们表示:新移民对晚年生活的规划不够,包括医疗照顾等社会安全福利的规划,认为老人娱乐活动和护理的概念更为老人所需要。
“Tak K. Lau”, Chairman of Changle Association , “JianH. Lin”, Executive Chairman of the PA-fujian Trade Promote Association and “Yong T. Lau”, Executive Director of the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Restaurant Association, “Ellen Somekawa”, Executive Chairperson of the AAU, and “Ying Z. Lin”, Chairman of the Fujian Association of the Greater Philadelphia Area, etc., participants of the joint committee, said that the new immigrants do not have adequate planning after their retirement, including Medicare and Social Security benefits. Therefore, the concept of caring and recreational activities for the seniors is particularly in need。
2. [多维时报2007年6月29日报道]费城移民局同华人社团座谈,移民反响热烈
2. Duowei Times June 29, 2007 report A forum held by Philadelphia’s Immigration department and the Chinese community drew enthusiastic response from immigrants
费城地区移民局同福建社团理事会及宾州多族裔发展委员会于六月二十四日,一点三十至四点在安良工商会三楼举行移民座谈会,共76老人与会。移民官回答了普遍性移民问题六次。 当面回答了18种个人移民案件。民众反响非常热烈。老人会中心主任陆庆年及宾州多族裔发展委员会王念琳女士等出席了这次座谈会。
Philadelphia’s Immigration department, Fujian Fraternal Association and Commonwealth Ethnic Development of PA jointly held an immigration forum on June 24, from 1:30 to 4 p.m., on the third floor of An Liang Chamber of Commerce. There were 76 seniors participated. Immigration officers answered 6 general questions on immigration and 18 questions on individual cases. Response from participants was overwhelming。
Also participated in the forum were the Chairman of AASAPA “Marcus Luk” and committee member of the Commonwealth Ethnic Development of PA Ms. “Wang Nianlin”。
Immigration has always been a concern of all ethnic groups. According to the official government statistics of Fujian, China, there are 230 thousand Fujian immigrants in the United States。
Many Fujian immigrants engage in the restaurant food industry. They are industrious and kind, and have made outstanding contribution to the local economic development. The opportunity of inviting representatives from the Immigration department to answer questions on immigration was, to many Fujian immigrants, indeed invaluable. The Immigration officials appeared in person at the forum also demonstrated the great importance of local government had placed on the Fujian immigrants。
移民座谈会拍摄成视频电视, 在美中华人视频;www.uscn.tv可以看到纪录片。
The forum on immigration has already recorded on video which can be viewed on www.uscn.tv
3. [多维时报2008年7月4日报道]
3. Duowei Times July 4, 2008 report
福建社团理事会/宾州多族裔发展委员会于2008年6月29日中午假安良工商会三楼会议厅举办老人院申请解释说明会,70余老人参加。该会议由理事长刘心生主持并主讲,老人中心主任陆庆年先生作补充解释。民众耆老反映热烈 ”黄云双” 老人表示:“这才是真正为民谋福利!”,张德永先生说;“福建社团理事会办事最有效率,最实际。”等赞许声不断。会后,大家纷纷争相上前索取老人公寓申请表,并结合其自身情况和条件做进一步提问。
福建社团理事会经两年多以来努力争取,做了大量的主流社会关系工作。位于2653 Glenwood的新盖老人公寓大楼区已可申请,将于今年底入住,共65套房。
On June 29, 2008, Fujian Fraternal Association / Commonwealth Ethnic Development of PA held an information session on the 3rd floor of the An Liang Chamber of Commerce to explain the application process for senior building. More than 70 seniors attended the meeting. Chairman “Liu, Xin sheng” (simons X.S. Liu)was the host as well as speaker of the meeting. AASAPA chairman “Marcus Luk”provided supplementary explanation. All attending seniors responded with overwhelming enthusiasm. Senior “Huang, Yun shuang”remarked, “This really benefits the people.” Mr. “Zhang, De yong” said, “The Fujian Fraternal Association is most efficient and practical in its actions.” Similar praises were abundant。
After the meeting, people started competing to obtain an application for the senior apartment. Also, further specific questions were asked regarding individual’s own circumstances。
The Fujian Fraternal Association has been striving for two years and performed a lot of social relation work with the mainstream to finally get a chance to announce the new senior housing project at 2653 Glenwood is starting to take application. Move-in date will be at the end of this year. There will be 65 units。
4. Singtao Daily News March 4, 2009
费城耆老法律中心(Seniorlaw Center)和福建社团理事会与宾州多族裔发展委员会,于三月十八日星期三下午一时三十分至三时在海城大酒楼举办的耆老反诈骗法律讲座,一百一十七位老年人签名到会,
The Fujian Fraternal Association, and Commonwealth Ethnic Development of PA SeniorLAW Center held an Anti-Fraudulence seminar on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., at the Ocean City Restaurant. 117 seniors participated. Several bilingual attorneys and representatives from SeniorLAW Center and Dechert law office were on the spot to answer questions. Moreover, SeniorLAW Center’s free legal representative services were discussed with those seniors living in PA who are victims of the crime。
会中,由SeniorLAW Center律师事务所Michele Cohen律师(女)讲解有关诈骗分子的常用手段, 耆老防备常识等, 分别就“签合同谨记事项”“为借贷作连署”“电话销售诈骗谨记事项”“博彩谨记事项”“按户探访销售”“如何避免钱财受损失”“授权书”“银行联名帐户”“房契加进别人名字”等进行详细的讲解。内容还包括:邮寄与网路诈骗,合约、购物被骗,信用卡诈骗,身分及信用被盗用、被换、被假冒,房契被盗以及其他消费诈骗等。
In the seminar, Michele Cohen, Esquire, of SeniorLAW Center talked about the common practices of scammers and what seniors should be aware of. Topics “Signing of contract”, “Co-signing on a loan”, “Telemarketing fraud”, “Lottery”, “Door-to-door sale”, “How to avoid losing money”, “Power of attorney”, “Joint bank account”, “Adding another person on the deed”, etc., were discussed in details. Other areas discussed included: mail and internet fraud, contracts, being cheated in shopping, credit card fraud, ID and credit theft, changed or forged, fraudulent deed transfer and other consumer fraud。
5. China News Weekly July 31, 2009 report
福建社团理事会和宾州多族裔发展委员会再一次的老人公寓登记于09年7月27日举行, 首日有近10位耆老索取表格并要求帮助填写申请表. 符合62岁及以上的老人, 携带工卡, ID, 收入证明, 银行月结单, 地址电话等资料前来办理.
Fujian Fraternal Association and Commonwealth Ethnic Development of PA once again held a registration meeting on July 27, 2009, for application of senior apartments. There were 10 seniors who requested for assistance in completing the application form. Seniors who are 62 and above could bring their social security card, ID, proof of income, bank statement, and telephone number to apply。
完成的申请表将于8月3日早晨在第一批受理时间呈报入政府审查, 未得到消息的及有意申请老人公寓的耆老, 尽快联系刘心生电话; 267-255-8882, 老人中心主任陆庆年电话; 215-701- 3208索取表格并免费帮助填写申请表服务.
Completed applications will be submitted the first instant in the morning of August 3 to the government agency. Seniors who have not heard about the news but intended to apply for the senior apartment should contact as soon as possible “Liu, Xin sheng (simon X.S.Liu) at 267-255-8882 or senior center’s “Marcus Luk” at 215-701-3208 to get an application form and free assistance in completion of the application。
此新建造的老人公寓两处最快将于09年9月和11月完工,分别于1615 N. 23街夹Ridge 街的54套房和Pensdale 街夹Ridge 街附近的38套房. 选择Pensdale 街夹Ridge 街的申请者必须于8月3日早晨9点30分亲自携带资料到其6012 Ridge Ave 办公地点登记.
The 2 new senior buildings, one located at the intersection of Pensdale Street and Ridge Avenue with 38 apartments and the other at 1615 N. 23rdStreet with 54 apartments, could be finished as early as September and November of 2009, respectively. Those who applied for Pensdale and Ridge must bring their information in person in the morning of August 3 at 9:30 a.m. to their office for registration。
6. Duowei Times November 13, 2009 Report
于10月31日在唐人街917 Arch Street万胜超级市场内,举行流感疫苗免费注射。这一消息, 早在报上刊出, 计划提供200支疫苗给民众,老人优先。消息发布后市民反映热烈, 时值奥巴马总统刚发布全国流感紧急状态没几天, 大家仍在恐慌之中。是日一早, 注射现场门口便排满了人群, 大家拿着ID卡, 依次排队登记拿表格, 来要求注射的人超过预定提供的疫苗, 现场民众争先恐后,从11时开始到1时30分时200支疫苗全部打完。
Free flu shots were given out on October 31, 2009, inside the Wan Sheng supermarket at 917 Arch Street of Chinatown. The event has been announced in the newspaper. 200 immunization shots were planned to be given out to the public with priority on the seniors. The news drew an enthusiastic response in the morning. It was during a time shortly after President Obama announced the nation was in a state of H1N1 emergency and everybody was still on the verge of panic. Early in that morning, lines were formed in front of the location. All were holding their IDs, lining up to get their forms for registration. The number of people requesting the shot exceeded the number of vaccine shots planned. There were scenes of vying with each other. Beginning at 11 a.m., 200 vaccine shots were all given out by 1:30 p.m。
这次参加服务的, 以宾州美亚老人会筹备委员会为主,还有费城狮子会(International Association Of Lions Clubs 14-R), 及Gpass , 等成员共20多人。
Leading this event were the planning committee members of the AASAPA, participated also were the Lions Club International 14-R and GPASS, with a total of over 20 people。
7. Duowei Times Friday, December 11, 2009 Report
2009年12月8日上午11时,位于1615 N 23rd Street 的取名为Haven Peniel Senior Citizens Residence 老人公寓庆祝新张,包括亚裔在内的近百位人士前来祝贺。电视6台在现场直播。
The new senior building located at 1615 N. 23rdStreet, named Haven Peniel Senior Citizens Residence, was officially opened at 11 a.m. on December 8, 2009. Close to 100 people, including the Asians, participated in the ceremony. TV channel 6 provided the live feed。
会议由该栋管理部经理Tracy Gray 女士主持,她介绍了发展该栋老人公寓的过程,她说:1615 N 23rd Street 这块地原来是属于联合诚道会的(Haven Peniel united methodist ),他们于2004年开始计划将这块地捐出来建老人公寓,2006年从美国城市和住房发展部(HUD)申请到资金730万元,从其它基金会及社会上筹集资金100多万元,总共近千万元兴建55套一房一厅一厕一厨房结构的该栋楼。该楼于2008年动工,2009年11月完工。
Hosting the ceremony was the building’s manager “Tracy Gray”. She recapped the history of developing the senior building. The lot on 1615 N. 23rdStreet originally belonged to the Haven Peniel United Methodist Church. Beginning in 2004, they started to plan a senior building on the location. In 2006, HUD approved a grant of 7.3 million dollars. Together with the fund of a million plus raised from the community, the 55-apartment building, each apartment has a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom, cost close to 10 million dollars to build. Construction began in 2008 and completed in November 2009。
此老人公寓规定62岁以上的老人才可以申请。从2009年7月26日开始第一次发申请表,8月3日第一天递表,9月1日开始面谈,2009年12月1日迁居入住。 现有近30位亚裔老人获取居住权。
Only seniors who are 62 and over can apply for the apartment. Application was first given out on July 26, 2009; completed application first collected back on August 3; interview began on September 1; and move in began on December 1. Now there are about 30 seniors who are of Asian descent living there。