Asian American Senior Association of Pennsylvania holds Census activities
Duowei Times Friday, March 26, 2010
On March 23, the Asian American Senior Association of Pennsylvania held a Census activity in the senior building of Haven Peniel located at 23rdStreet and Ridge Avenue. There were over fifty seniors of different ethnicity actively participated. The Census questionnaires were completed in three hours and were handed to the representatives of the Census Bureau.
The activity was organized by the newly formed, on March 1st, 2010, title non-profit organization, the Asian American Senior Association of Pennsylvania, which invited the coordination of the Census Bureau on the activity. Census dispatched its Chinese representative Ms. Grace Wu, together with staffer Ms. Wei and Ms. Dong, who brought to the premises more than sixty questionnaires for assistance.
To accommodate the non-English speaking / reading population, Census has printed the questionnaire in various languages. One of the languages is Chinese.
Mr. Xinsheng Liu who organized the activity pointed out that some of the undocumented residents are skeptical of the government’s effort of taking Census within the Chinese community. They worried their identity would be exposed and have to face deportation. Some held the view that the goal of the government to redistribute funds and resources is none of their business. Therefore, they are reluctant to participate. In reality, the questionnaire only contains ten simple questions, including name, sex, age, ethnicity, household member, etc., and basing on today’s activity, it only takes ten minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Grace Wu reiterated that the information collected by Census cannot share with other federal agencies or law enforcement. Those who are undocumented should not be worried for there is no question which asks for the Social Security number or whether you are legal. Your personal situation as well as the information you provided will be protected by the federal laws and would be kept confidential for seventy-two years. Also, each Census worker has sworn on oath to keep the information confidential. Should the information be leaked, the perpetrator would be held liable in court.
Participating in this activity had also two of the directors of Asian American Senior Association of Pennsylvania Bingqing Peng and Yiqian Huang.
多维时报 Duowei Times 2010年3月26日 星期五
“宾州美亚老人会”(Asian American Senior Association Of Pennsylvania)于3月23日在23街/RIDGE AVE 的 haven Peniel 老人公寓内举办人口普查活动,该公寓内各族裔老人共50多人积极参加, 3个小时完成问卷填表交付人口普查局工作人员。
该老人公寓人口普查活动由2010年3月1日刚成立的非营利机构的 “宾州美亚老人会”邀请费城人口普查局协助,由华裔负责人胡惠霞女士带领普查员魏东飞女士和董怡小姐携带60多份中英文普查表格前来帮助。